Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do
"Love Me like You Do" is a mid-tempo electropop power ballad, with instrumentation backed in massive synths and crushing drums consistently. It is segmented mostly in eight measures. The exceptions are the Intro Retro (IR) bearing only four measures, the Outtro, and the Break (the orange block), which starts with a pause and slows down a bit. I counted the Break as two measures with ritardando. The Verse 1, 2, 3 shares the same melody but uses different lyrics. The Choir 1 and 2 are very similar. The whole piece has a lot of repetition, and it gradually build up emotion to the second Bridge, and surprisingly continues with a pause like an exclamation mark. The final two segments of the Choir 2 resumes its excitement, using syncopated rhythmic drumming. Then the whole piece ends with a lyrical Outtro.