Clarinda likes to integrate different music styles into one complete piece. It is similar to the idea of a musical collage. She agrees with Schonberg’s theory of pan-tonality. In another words, all the chords should be treated the same. The major triad does not need to play a dominant role, and no chord needs to be resolved. She also likes to use exotic scales beside diatonic scales. For example, octatonic scales, whole tone scales and pentatonic scales could be used whenever necessary. Furthermore, jazz and pop styles could be integrated too. Clarinda likes to choose the chord if it demonstrates the right mood, no matter what genre it belongs to. She may choose to use the traditional homophonic style in voice but adds an accompaniment of jazz style in instruments for chorale composition. The styles of impressionism, expressionism, Dadaism, neo-classicalism, and minimalism can be juxtaposed together. Poly-tonality and poly-rhythm will be used when she needs them. Music should be a language by itself. It can express itself freely and shake off any baggage of the traditional music theories, any boundary of music genres, any preference of the audiences, and any conventional way of playing an instrument. She calls it “pan-genre” and uses it as her music artistic style.
Clarinda likes to integrate different music styles into one complete piece. It is similar to the idea of a musical collage. She agrees with Schonberg’s theory of pan-tonality. In another words, all the chords should be treated the same. The major triad does not need to play a dominant role, and no chord needs to be resolved. She also likes to use exotic scales beside diatonic scales. For example, octatonic scales, whole tone scales and pentatonic scales could be used whenever necessary. Furthermore, jazz and pop styles could be integrated too. Clarinda likes to choose the chord if it demonstrates the right mood, no matter what genre it belongs to. She may choose to use the traditional homophonic style in voice but adds an accompaniment of jazz style in instruments for chorale composition. The styles of impressionism, expressionism, Dadaism, neo-classicalism, and minimalism can be juxtaposed together. Poly-tonality and poly-rhythm will be used when she needs them. Music should be a language by itself. It can express itself freely and shake off any baggage of the traditional music theories, any boundary of music genres, any preference of the audiences, and any conventional way of playing an instrument. She calls it “pan-genre” and uses it as her music artistic style.